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Woman, 83, graduates from university

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (UPI) -- An 83-year-old woman who set out after retirement to earn a college degree has graduated from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Mich.

Ruth Stoeffler said she began her college career in 1995, shortly after the death of her husband, and took a wide variety of classes during the ensuing 13 years until she earned a bachelor's degree in social science studies, the Detroit Free Press reported.

'I was by myself and had to do something,' she said. 'I wanted something interesting and challenging and fun ... I thought, 'I'm going to get myself a diploma from a university.''

Stoeffler, who walked down the aisle with classmates at the university's graduation ceremony during the weekend, told the Free Press she doesn't intend to use her degree to start a new career but she said she would like to parlay her knowledge and experience into volunteer work."

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