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THIS JUST IN!!! Carrots may be a detriment to your eyesight

Man sued for hurling carrot at wife's eye

MONROE, Conn. (UPI) -- A Connecticut woman who lost an eye when her husband chucked a carrot at her reportedly is suing him for causing the injury.

Pamela Vecsey of Monroe, Conn., filed suit against her husband, claiming he threw a carrot 20 feet in her direction while they were having a dispute July 14, 2006, the Connecticut Post reported.

Vecsey's attorney said her client's eye burst when it was hit with the carrot. Vecsey reportedly replaced the ruptured eyeball with a glass eye.

Police arrested Roderick Vecsey, 48, and he was charged with second-degree assault and disorderly conduct, the newspaper said. However, the charges against him have been dismissed and the Vecseys are now residing in the same home, despite the lawsuit, the Post reported."

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